Now, we all know celebrities are well, pretty crazy to put it mildly.Substantive proof?
Look no further:
Thursday, February 22, 2007
Multiple Personality Disorder?
Labels: [i] Wannabe funny, Mental Hazards
Wednesday, February 14, 2007
Oh well.Happy Valentine's Day after all.
Fine so I couldn't be all anti-Val's the whole day after all.Not after seeing Shiv Sena people literally raid the parks in Lucknow on the telly.Making all the guys there bend over and murga-fy.
And I thought we were a free country.
[Were, not are.]
Anyway, Orkut's been decked up.....
.........and so has Google.Hmm.
*sighs dejectedly*
So I lose.
Happy Val's Day!!
to the ze love-struck foo in particular.
Labels: Festivals and fuss-tivals, Shiv Sena
Monday, February 12, 2007
Lackofinspirationitus continues
Here's something I got off Shayeri's blog...
Gotta love it......
Labels: Me.Me.Me
Monday, February 5, 2007
Severe lackofinspirationitus?
Surprise surprise....guess who's just been named among one of the sweetest 16 stars 16 and under?
Not me, silly....her.
--Emma Watson has made Sweet 16 Magazine's list of the "16 Sweetest Stars 16 and Under." The list honors talented young celebrities who have avoided the Hollywood party scene and are great role models. Congratulations, Emma!
And yeah, according to The Telegraph....
Helpline for fearful fans of Harry Potter
By Nigel Reynolds, Arts Correspondent
Waterstone's is looking to set up a helpline for fans of Harry Potter because two important characters in JK Rowling's saga will die in the last instalment to be published this summer.
The book chain forecast that Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows would become not only the best-selling Harry Potter title but the biggest selling book in history. But that may not bring unalloyed happiness to the nation because of Rowling's warning about the deaths.
Debbie Williams, of Waterstone's, said yesterday: "This could be a similar moment to when Take That split up — there could be a lot of upset teenagers out there. We are looking to set up a helpline for them."
And lastly, this is what the New Blogger Tour has on the first page.

Don't miss the Header :D
Labels: [i] Wannabe funny, Bored belchings, HP
Thursday, February 1, 2007
With darkness closing around me;
Aching to be set free.
Compelled by fate; cursed.
Labels: Boards, Bored belchings, Exams, Pet Peeves, Poems, Torture