Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Time's ripe for a new post, don't you think?


Nik said...

No, another week or so and we're good.

Thor said...

Nope, time aint right at all...

it WAS ripe some 3 weeks ago...by now, its all rotten and gone....

The Keeper of the Keys said...

Yes, sir, it is. Please.

Nik said...

Well, my blog was getting a bit stale. So I posted.

Radhika Saxena said...

waah! ek line ka post! sahi hai! ;p

Vasudha said...

D : Uh huh.

N : Another week it is. :P

T : Damn, so I shouldn't bother now, should I? :P

K : Coming on now, sir. :P

N 2.0 : I can see. :P

R : Arre, jab hum hi sahi hai, toh post kya cheez hai. :P


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